Spectroscopic observations

Spectra of stars chosen as Kepler targets

Joanna Molenda-¯akowicz, Astronomical Institute, University of Wroc³aw

These are mean spectra of Kepler asteroseismic targets observed in the 2005 and 2006 seasons. The observations were made at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Fracastoro Mountain Station, Serra la Nave, Italy.

The measurements were obtained with the FRESCO fiber-fed spectrograph mounted at the 91-cm telescope and working with the resolving power R=21 000. The aim of these observations was the determination of astrophysical parameters of the Kepler targets, namely, Teff, log g, [Fe/H], Vrotsini and radial velocities.


Spectroscopic data for stars from the Kepler field of view

Joanna Molenda-¯akowicz, Astronomical Institute, University of Wroc³aw

These are individual spectroscopic observations of 62 solar-like stars form the field of view of the space telescope Kepler. 37 of these stars have been selected for Kepler asteroseismic targets. The individual spectra are normalized to the continuum and corrected for the cosmic rays. The correction for the Earth orbital motion has not been applied. The observations were made with the aim of characterization the Kepler asteroseismic targets. This included determination of the effective temperature, Teff, surface gravity, log g, metallicity, [Fe/H], projected rotational velocity, vsini, and radial velocity, vr. The data was obtained at the Catania Astrophysical Observatory (Italy), Fracastoro Mountain Station, Serra la Nave, Mt. Etna in three observing seasons: 2005, 2006 and 2007. For the measurements, the FRESCO fiber-fed spectrograph mounted at the 91-cm was used. The resolving power if this instrument is R=21 000. Its linear dispersion varies from 3.5 A/mm at H-gamma to 6.8 A/mm at H-alpha. The spectral range covered in one exposure is about 2500 A in 19 orders. For more details please visit http://www.ct.astro.it/sln/strumenti.html.

Results obtained from the analysis of these observations have been published in the following papers:

  • Molenda-¯akowicz, J., Frasca, A., Latham, D.W, Jerzykiewicz, M., 2007, Acta Astronomica, 57, 301
  • Molenda-¯akowicz, J., Frasca, A., Latham, D.W., 2008, Acta Astronomica, 58, 419
  • Molenda-¯akowicz, J., Frasca, A., Latham, D.W., Jerzykiewicz, M., 2008 Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser., 118, 02065
