Astronomical Institute Observatory in Białków, University of Wrocław

Bialkow Observatory

The astrophysicists working at Astronomical Institute in Wrocław have on their disposal 60-cm telescope located at the Observatory situated in Białków. Białków is a small village about 80 km away from Wrocław. At present at Białków Observatory observations of open and globular cluster are condacted as well as multi clour photometry for some variable stars in Keplers satelite observing fields are curried out.

Telescope and CCD camera

The table below contain basic parameters of Białków Observatory CCD camera and telescope.

Telescope parameters CCD camera parameters
(Andor DW432)
Optics type Cassegrain Active pixels 1250x1152
Diameter of the primary mirror 0.6 m Pixel size [μm] 22.5x22.5
Mounts German-equatorial Field view 12' x 11'

The telescope is fit with UBVRIC (Kron/Cousins Type) filters sets by Andover Corp. and two wide and n arrow Hα filters. Detailed information about these filters is given in table below.

Filter Nominal FWHM Central wavelength
for transmitance curve
U 60 nm 365 nm
B 100 nm 440 nm
V 90 nm 550 nm
R 250 nm 760 nm
I 150 nm 800 nm


In Astronomical Institute (IA) in Wrocław the research of relatively young pulsating β Cephei and SPB types stars, somewhat older RR Lyrae, and SX Phenicis stars is done. In the frame of the project executed in IA in Wrocław astronomers use data collected by massive sky survey like ASAS, OGLE or MACHO. We also conduct our own observation in order to discover new variable stars especialy of kind of objects mentioned above. Since several years in Białków Observatory we have been making regular observation of open and globular cluster in Białków Observatory. The main results of this observation you can find HERE.
