The Wroclaw Institute hosts experts in observations as well as in the theory of pulsating stars, in a strong collaboration with astronomers from Warsaw (CAMK and OA UW). The group consists of ten permanent staff members and four PhD students. The research concentrates on the search for B-type variables in young open clusters, particularly for β Cep, SPB, Be and sdB stars. To this end, multicolour photometry is carried out, and data from the MACHO and OGLE projects are analyzed. One of the main result of these studies is the discovery of the first β Cep and SPB stars in Magellanic Clouds. Stellar parameters and metallicities are determined using spectra from the ground-based observations and from space missions. The theoretical work focuses on modelling of stellar evolution and non-adiabatic pulsations. The Warsaw-Wroclaw team developed the method of non-adiabatic photometric observables for the mode identification. Moreover, the team invented another method, which, besides the mode identification, yields a new asteroseismic probe giving constraints on stellar parameters, convection, chemical composition and atomic data (opacity).

IAUWr is involved in thr fallowing Network Activities:

  • NA2 – HELAS Forum
  • NA5 – Asteroseismology
  • NA6 – Public Outreach